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LED Light Show

FREE-WILi has 7 full color LEDs. These LEDs can display a pattern or be manually controlled by the API or App. Some of the patterns incorporate sensor data or make the LEDs a bargraph. The LED pattern can also be sent out GPIO pins to support LED Light strips. The light show can be controlled by a Roku IR remote.

The FREE-WILi Light Show App controls the 7 LEDs.

The FREE-WILi Light Show App controls the 7 LEDs.

The Light show app has different patterns. Two patterns use sensors. One is Audio and the other is accelerometer.


The setting are show below. At startup you can pick a default light show. Also you can enable light strip control. Then you can enable a Roku IR remote to switch between the light show options.

Settings for the Light Show

Settings for the Light Show


There are APIs to control the board LEDS below. When setBoardLED is called it will disable the light show.

You can set the LED to a static color or make it flash or fade. The setBoardLED allows you to use the LEDs this way.

// Control Manual
enum fwLEDManagerLEDMode {
void setBoardLED(int iLEDIndex0_7,
int iR, int iG, int iB, int iDurationMs, fwLEDManagerLEDMode iMode);

// Set a Light show
void setLEDShowMode(int iLEDShow);